About Douglas County Trail Riders
Douglas County Trail Riders (DCTR) is a perfect club for all types of horse people! We offer a wide range of activities and educational events to our members including trail rides, horse shows, cowboy challenge courses, clinics, parades, fundraisers, community service, social events and parties.
We are a 501c3 organization established in 1954, and the only horse club in Douglas County, Kan. The club meets on the first Friday of every month at 6:30 p.m. Our clubhouse and arena is located at 816 N. 1750 Road, just two miles west and two miles north of Lawrence, Kan.
The objectives of our club are:
The promotion and education in the care and breeding of horses.
Encouragement of good sportsmanship and proper conduct among people interested in horses.
Education in the training and showing of horses.
Education in the pursuit of the recreational use of horses.
We offer a wide range of activities to our members including:
trail rides
horse shows
cowboy challenge courses
diverse learning opportunities
community service
social events and parties
Visitors are always welcome to attend our events and meetings.
Our History
Douglas County Trail Riders, Inc. was established in 1954 at a site now under the waters of Clinton Lake. After several moves, we have a permanent home on 15 acres that we purchased in 1958 and 1960. In 1959 we built an arena, concession stand, announcer’s stand and outhouses. Modern restrooms were built in 1971 and the clubhouse was erected in 1975.
Our Activities
The club meets on the first Friday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at our clubhouse. Meetings are preceded by dinner ($5 freewill offering) and educational and informative programs with business meeting to follow. Topics have included equine dentistry, farriers, saddle fittings, care and cleaning of tack, horse massage, working cow horse, driving, vets talking on current health issues, horse vacations, etc. Visitors are welcome to attend a monthly meeting before becoming a member.
We forego our business meeting in December and have a Christmas party and auction instead. We have a potluck dinner with the party and everyone brings a wrapped gift, usually horse related but not always, and we auction them off as a fundraiser for the club. It is our highest attended meeting every year.
We are a charter member of the Kansas State Horse Show Circuit and usually host a sanctioned horse show each year. The club also offers Fun Shows for members and non-members. We also sponsor trail rides year round. Most of our trail rides are at area lakes and other scenic locations. We like to try new activities at DCTR. We have special events and clinics such as horsemanship and cowboy obstacle clinics, riding in area parades and social events.
For membership information click the JOIN TAB.
DCTR members are encouraged to assist or volunteer with club activities and maintenance.