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Benefits of membership include:

  • trail riding and camping with friends 

  • free or discounted participation in club activities

  • free use of our arena

  • discounted club facility rental

  • making new friends

  • enjoying family and friends in a great environment

Membership fees for 2025…

INDIVIDUAL - (18 yrs. and older) - $45

Commitment of 4 hrs/half day in an event on, or off of DCTR premises.


FAMILY - (w/children under 18 yrs.) - $60

Commitment by two family members of 4-4 hr. sessions, (total of 16 hrs) or 2-8 hr. sessions (total of 16 hrs.) in an event on, or off of DCTR premises.


BUYOUT - (no volunteer requirement)

                    $45 for INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP- plus another $45 for a total of $90

                    $60 for a FAMILY MEMBERSHIP - plus another $60 for a total of $120


Volunteer examples: horse shows, clinics, fundraisers, food prep., or similar events.

(ring steward, gate attendant, trail boss, rec. info, concession, etc...)


Workday examples: cleaning clubhouse, garden upkeep, mowing, arena upkeep, tree trimming, trash pickup, painting, repair on buildings, etc...


NOT INCLUDED…participant in horse show, clinic, meetings, parties, or any other DCTR event.


***For insurance purposes, we must have a new signed membership form (DCTR.ORG) on file every year.  Membership fees are due by April 1st each year. 



The red button will download a copy to your downloads folder

where you can open, print, & sign it.



We accept Cash, Check or ZEFFY

To pay with ZEFFY either scan the QR code to pay with you phone or click the green button to pay online 


© 2023 Douglas County Trail Riders, Inc.


816 N. 1750 Road

Lawrence, KS 66049



P.O. Box 3224

Lawrence, KS 66046


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